T H E S A C R E D & D I V I N E S E R V I C E S O F
G R E A T & H O L Y

Come celebrate the Feast of Feasts with us at St Elias! Please see the schedule of Divine Services below, followed by a few important announcements:
Holy Friday May 3rd
Royal Hours 10:00 AM (North Campus)
Vespers of the Deposition 3:00 PM (Both Campuses)
Orthros of the Lamentations 7:00 PM (Both Campuses)
Holy Saturday May 4th
Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil 10:00 AM (Both Campuses)
Divine Services for Great & Holy Pascha 10:00 PM (Both Campuses)
Potluck feast & Blessing of Baskets follows the Paschal Services
Pascha Sunday May 5th
Paschal Services on Saturday night starting at 10:00 PM (see above)
Paschal Agape Vespers 1:00 PM (North Campus)
We continue the feast with the Paschal Picnic & Children's Egg Hunt
Bright Friday May 10th
Divine Liturgy for the Life-Giving Spring 9:30 AM (North Campus)
We will celebrate the Feast of Feasts with food, drink, and fellowship after the midnight Liturgy, so bring plenty to share! We will continue feasting after Agape Vespers on Sunday as well. We plan to fire up the grill on Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to share their food. (See 1 Corinthians 11:21-22.)
Blessing of Baskets
Paschal Baskets will be blessed immediately after the dismissal from the church after the Paschal Divine Liturgy. After you have come to receive your egg from the priest and venerate the cross, go directly into the hall area and wait for the clergy to come and bless the baskets and the food. As stated above, all are encouraged to share their food.
Paschal Lamb
If you would like to help grill the lamb at North Campus after the Midnight Liturgy, please contact Adam Wall (awall1981@gmail.com).
Bright Week Prayers
According to the sacred liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church, all personal prayers and the Hours during Bright Week are replaced with the festive recitation of the Paschal Office. Instead of your usual Morning & Evening Prayers, pray the Paschal Office as a daily continuation of the joy of the Feast. The text can be found here.
Kali Anastasi!